Thursday, April 26, 2012

Let's Get It Started

After numerous attempts at trying to run a 5k, I decided to start a blog to make myself accountable for actually completely my goal. I can do Zumba or kickboxing all day long, but when it comes running, after about two minutes I am over it. I get bored, I get tired, I breathe really heavy, and I feel like my feet are really loud stomping on the ground. If anyone saw me sweaty and red in the face while running, they may think that it is because I was mid-run. However, this would just be me two minutes into my awkward jog.

I have tried the Couch to 5K program and made it all the way to week 7. I like to say that I stopped because I got a sweet job offer and it made me super busy, in reality, I got lazy. It rained one day and that became my excuse to quit.

The Couch to 5K program is 9 weeks long. I decided to give myself 10 weeks just to get comfortable running at the 30+ minute mark. I will start May 29th (this happens to be the day after a wedding that I am going to, I think a run while being hungover is the most poorly planned workout kick-off ever, but I need it to hit the 10 week mark). I plan on signing up for a 5K near my hometown for July 8th (also poorly planned due to the extreme heat/humidity that will probably accompany me on race day).

Better get my running shoes on!

1 comment:

  1. U go girl. and I feel the same way about running.
